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Breastfeeding Support Consultants
Center for Lactation Education

Study Modules

Conference and Anatomy and Physiology Modules

Conference Study Modules

Conferencestudy modules are based on past BSC conference sessions and require viewing of the videotaped session.  Pages from the conference syllabus that correspond with the lecture, and a series of test questions are also included.  In order to receive continuing education credit, the student must view the presentation and answer the test questions with a minimum score of 70%.  CEUs and CERPs are available only to those who did not attend the conference session.  The complete conference syllabus may also be purchased while quantities last.

Great for groups!
Save on the cost by purchasing one module with the video and the rest without. Contact our office for special pricing. Click here Price List for pricing of the study modules listed below.

Module 5631 - Clinical implications of sucking assessment and physiology
Michael W. Woolridge, Dphil—1997 Nashville Conference
Learn how to interpret the adaptive significance of sucking patterns and how to utilize sucking patterns to assist breastfeeding management.  Know when and how to intervene.
1.8 CEUs/CERPs L-Independent.

Module 5633 - Feeding problems in the young infant:  A global approach to assessment and treatment — Part 1 and Part 2
Lynn Wolf, MOT, OTR/L and Robin Glass, MS, OTR/L—1997 Nashville Conference
Approaches assessment and treatment of feeding problems through an understanding of infant feeding as a complex process built on the foundation skills of sucking, swallowing and breathing. Part 1 focuses on sucking and swallowing.  Part 2 focuses on the role of respiration in the infant feeding process and on the coordination of sucking, swallowing and breathing during feeding.  Pathophysiology and evaluation techniques are discussed as well as clinical application of treatment strategies for breastfeeding.
3.3 CEUs/CERPs L-Independent.

Module 5635 - Families in Evolutionary and Cultural Perspectives
James McKenna, PhD—1997 Nashville Conference
Explores how cultural values affect childcare patterns and roles of parents and children. Evolutionary data on family life is contrasted with urban Western family life.
1.8 CEUs/CERPs L-Independent.

Module 5637 - Breastfeeding and the Law
Priscilla Bornmann, Attorney at Law—1998 Scottsdale Conference
Can the LC profession be a liability risk?  Learn how often the LC's professional life can intersect with legal issues.  This session is designed to sensitize the LC to these probabilities and to prepare for them.
1.5 CEUs/CERPs L-Independent.

Module 5639 - Management of Breast Refusal
Linda Kutner, RN, BSN, IBCLC—1998 Scottsdale Conference
What do you do if a baby is still refusing the breast after he goes home?&mbsp; Explore ways to supplement, problems such as engorgement, nursing strikes, and sucking preference.  Review the use of nipple shields and long term pumping.
1.75 CEUs/CERPs L-Independent.

Module 5641 The Baby Who Refuses to Breastfeed
Linda Kutner, RN, BSN, IBCLC—1998 Scottsdale Conference
What do you do when a newborn refuses to breastfeed?  Learn to identify behaviors and common medical practices that can create this anomaly.  Explore infant feeding cues, appropriate interventions and feeding alternatives.
1.75 CEUs/CERPs L-Independent.

Module 5643 - Dental Caries & Tight Frenulums
Brian Palmer, DDS—1998 Scottsdale Conference
Examine why infants should not be weaned early because of a risk of dental caries, as well as the impact tight frenulum has on breastfeeding and long-term oral cavity development.
1.75 CEUs/CERPs L-Independent.

Module 5645 - How Bottle Feeding and Infant Habits Impact the Development of the Oral Cavity, Airway and Facial Form
Brian Palmer, DDS—1998 Scottsdale Conference
Are breastfed babies really prettier?  Learn why children who are not breastfed have the potential for more health and dental problems and are candidates to be snorers or have obstructive sleep apnea.
2.0 CEUs/CERPs L-Independent.

Module 5647 - Reducing the Risk of SIDS: The Importance of Close Contact
Peter Fleming, FRCP, PhD—1999 Atlanta Conference
A recent study of 500,000 births, together with a matched control population of live infants, investigated the importance of a large number of epidemiological factors in the deaths. This session explores these factors which include many aspects of childcare including feeding, place of sleep, and socioeconomic variables.
1.8 CEUs/CERPs L-Independent.

Anatomy and Physiology Study Module

Module 7780 — Human Anatomy and Physiology Self Study Module

  • Review basic anatomy and physiology
  • Increase your understanding of maternal and infant anatomy
  • Enhance your performance on the IBLCE exam

This study module follows a series of lectures which focus on the structure and function of the human body.  The lectures are grouped into nine body systems—cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, digestive, endocrine, urinary, reproductive, musculoskeletal, and immune.  Each lecture within the body system concentrates on a particular organ or organ system.  This is then followed by an examination of the physiology of that organ.  To make connections even more meaningful, common clinical problems that occur when something goes wrong are discussed.  Finally each body system includes a special section that deals solely with the maternal-child aspects of that body system.

The module contains eight video tapes and a 300-page program guide with detailed outlines and test questions.  Each unit concentrates on a particular body system.  A detailed outline helps the student follow a videotaped lecture by Anthony Goodman MD, FACS from Bozeman MT.  Progress through the various body systems in a logical manner that enhances your learning and retention.  Answer study questions that follow each unit and send your work to your own personal instructor.  You will receive detailed feedback along with helpful suggestions.  The Anatomy and Physiology Self Study Module does not carry any continuing education credit.  It is exclusively for self study.  If you wish to receive continuing education credit, you can enroll in Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology.  Receive 8 videotapes, program guide, and test questions. 

Module Content

Unit 1 / Tape 1
9 hours / 10.8 CEUs and CERPs
The Cardiovascular System
Anatomy & Physiology of the Heart
Anatomy & Physiology of the Great Vessels
Maternal-Child Health Issues
Unit 2 / Tape 2
5 hours / 6 CEUs and CERPs
The Respiratory System
Anatomy & Physiology of the Lungs
Maternal-Child Health Issues
Unit 3 / Tapes 2, 3 & 4
15 hours / 18 CEUs and CERPs
The Nervous System
Anatomy & Physiology of the Brain
Spinal Cord & Spinal Nerves
Autonomic Nervous System & Cranial Nerves
The Eyes, Ears, Hearing & Equilibrium
Pathology & Trauma
Maternal-Child Health Issues

Unit 4 / Tapes 4 & 5
13 hours / 15.6 CEUs and CERPs
The Digestive System
Anatomy & Physiology of the Mouth, Esophagus & Stomach
Anatomy & Physiology of the Pancreas, Liver & the Biliary Tree
Anatomy Physiology of the Small Intestine, Colon & Rectum
Maternal-Child Health Issues

Unit 5 / Tapes 5 & 6
7 hours / 8.4 CEUs and CERPs
The Endocrine System
The Pituitary & Adrenal Glands
Thyroid & Parathyroid Glands
Maternal-Child Health Issues

Unit 6 / Tape 6
5 hours / 6 CEUs and CERPs
The Urinary System
Anatomy & Physiology of the Kidneys, Ureters & Bladder
Maternal-Child Health Issues

Unit 7 / Tape 7
7 hours / 8.4 CEUs and CERPs
The Reproductive System
Physiology of Genetic Inheritance
Developmental Abnormalities
Maternal-Child Health Issues

Unit 8 / Tape 7 & 8
7 hours / 8.4 CEUs and CERPs
The Musculoskeletal System
Physiology and physics of the muscles
Anatomy of the muscles
Maternal-Child Health Issues

Unit 9 / Tape 8
5 hours / 6 CEUs and CERPs
The Immune System
Anatomy & Physiology
What Can Go Wrong?
Maternal-Child Health Issues

Special Savings when Anatomy and Physiology Tapes are Returned!

Save $130 off the cost of the Anatomy and Physiology video tapes and reduce the cost of your course!  Students in Course 930 Study Module 7780 may return the videotapes for a refund.  You will receive a total of $130 refund when the tapes are returned in their original condition.

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